"Skipper Bob Do Whales Fart?" my young guest asked me.
"Skipper Bob do whales fart?" my young guest asked me. Of course it brought some laughter to the group I was leading at the time. Only 6 year olds can ask such straightforward questions without rebuke! Well it stumped me for a minute or two. Whales have digestive tracts like all mammals with a stomach and intestines. One of the reasons I had heard experts claim whales breached was to help to evacuate their bowels so did this mean that they did not have the gas propellant in their digestive tracts to aid in this necessary function. SO I had to look up and tell him I was not sure. I had never seen a whale have flatulence though I was pretty sure I had smelled something similiar on our excursions. The smell I always said was the whale's breath but what if it wasn't! That sulphurous odiferous smell on occasion could be exactly what it smelled like GAS! Whales make scat in the ocean all the time and I have seen it on many occasions and occasionally have swam through t...